Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 things you did'nt know about Marine Corps Leadership

Today I received a management tip from Harvard Business Review. It is interesting to read. I am quoting from the tip:
Most people assume the U.S. Marine Corps is a rank-and-file organization where officers have power and soldiers obey orders. In fact, the Marine Corps is a highly effective organization that thrives by empowering soldiers. Here are three things you can learn from the Marines to be a better leader:
  1. Communicate the mission. Marine officers are evaluated by how well their soldiers understand their mission and their role in it. Instead of dictating how things should be done, explain the mission and challenge your people to figure out how to accomplish it.
  2. Earn your respect, don't expect it. Formal authority has little value in today's world, even in the Marines. To lead effectively, you must earn the respect of your people. That's the only way your mission will be carried out when you're not there.
  3. Trust your soldiers. While there are strict rules of engagement, one of the fundamental principles of Marine leadership is to push decision-making to the lowest possible level. Trust your people's expertise and decision-making and empower them to do what's right.''
I wonder how often we follow these principles of Mission, Respect and Trust (MRT). I hope it might englighten us all for our own benefit.

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